All materials held at the Library are for in-library use only. If the needed materials are in the closed stacks, please proceed retrieval request as the following instruction:
1. About the Retrieval Service:
It is suggested that users utilize the NCL Catalog to identify the books/ materials of his/ her needs. If the needed materials are displayed at open-shelf area, users can freely take them from shelf and use. If the needed materials are in closed stacks, please place retrieval request according to the holding information shown in the NCL Catalog:
- Contemporary books: Please place an online application as stated in 2 and 3.
- Microfilms/ microfiche (except rare books and government publications):Please place retrieval request in the Microfilm/ Microfiche Reading Room at 4th floor.
- Periodicals, rare books, Japanese and Korean books, government publications:Please place retrieval request in written form in the Periodicals Room (3rd Fl.), Rare Books Room (4th Fl.), Japanese and Korean Books Room (6th Fl.), Government Information and Law Collections Room (5th Fl.) respectively.
2. Online Application for Contemporary Books Kept in the Closed Stacks:
When the bibliographic information shows that the needed book is in remoteRepository/ closedStacks/ WestLanRefClosedStacks, then, it is necessary to do online retrieval request following the instruction below:
(1) click [書在哪裡] (where is the book),
(2) click [調閱] (retrieval request),
(3) enter Citizen Identification Card number and Birth Date (yyyymmdd),
(4) click [確認] (Confirm), then please remember to click [登出] (log out),
(5) Scan the Barcode of NCL Library Card, and get to know the number of the retrieval request. The Barcode reader is by the General Information and Circulation service counter.
(6) Waiting time is about 20 minute to get the requested book(s). Please pick up the needed book(s) at the General Information and Circulation service counter.
3. Online Application for Books Kept in the Remote Repository:
The procedure to process online retrieval request for books kept in the Remote Repository is the same as the instruction in 2 above. However, the Library staff takes trips to the remote storage for only 7 times a day. Online applications for books kept in the remote storage must be done before 4:00 p.m. Please refer to the attached file below for the detailed retrieval services schedule.
4. Retrieval Request for Closed Stacks Periodicals:
Please place retrieval request in written form in the Periodicals Room (3rd Fl.) and deposit NCL Library Card to receive the requested journals along with an Order Number Card.
5. Number of Volumes/ Items Allowed to Request Each Time:
(1) Books and accompanied supplement(s): 5 volumes/ items
(2) Books kept in the Remote Repository: 5 volumes/ items
(3) Newspapers and journals: 5 titles, each title allows 5 volumes.
(4) Video, tapes, DVDs: 2 items in total.
(5) Microfilms/ Microfiche: Microfilms: 5 rolls; Microfiche: 20 pieces.
(6) e-book reading device: 1 item.
6. Bring Books/ Materials out of Any Reading Room:
Users have to notify library staff at Service Counter of each reading room when wants to bring books/ materials out of each reading room.
7. Return the Requested Materials:
Requested closed stacks materials are supposed to be returned to the Service Counter where the materials were checked out. When return journals, users also have to return the Order Number Card and get back the deposited NCL Library Card.
8. All the Open-shelf/ Closed Stacks Materials Are for In-library On-site Use Only:
The National Central Library is the only one national depository library in Taiwan. Therefore, all the library books/ materials are for in-library on-site use only, not allows to check out or to take out of the library. Violations will cause suspension of library privileges, and the Library shall impose penalties on any theft or intentional damage to the Library’s materials according to the Term 29 of the NCL Reader Service Directions.