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  • 2019-04-15
NCL Hosts Taiwan’s Academic Impact Awards
NCL Hosts Taiwan’s Academic Impact Awards

The 2019 Academic Impact Awards were held in the NCL International Conference Hall on the afternoon of March 29, 2019. Awards were made for the past year’s most popular academic dissertations: the Best Communication Award, Hot Topic Award, Most Influential Dissertation Award, and Best Academic Contribution Award; for the year’s most influential humanities and social sciences periodicals: the Knowledge Communication Award, Knowledge Impact Award, and Knowledge Contribution Award; and for the most popular periodical review, the Best Communication in a Periodical Award. The awards highlighted the work of 53 of Taiwan’s public universities, private universities, and technical and vocational institutes, as well as 148 of its academic periodical publishers, as models in their respective fields.

The National Central Library (NCL) is designated as the legal depository for Taiwan’s publications and degree dissertations. The National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan and Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System are key academic resource databases that have been set up to access this rich collection of resources, and provide the large datasets for analyzing the impact of different academic resources.

In her speech at the awards, NCL director-general Ms. Shu-hsien Tseng vowed that the library will continue to actively promote the idea of collecting and sharing theses and dissertations, and remains committed to maintaining this complete collection in electronic form in perpetuity, while enhancing this aspect of cooperation with universities. At the same time, the library will forge ahead with developing the functionality of its theses and dissertations databases, which should help to increase Taiwan’s visibility and influence in global academia.

Last Update Time:2019-04-15