NationalCentral Library and the Polish Office in Taipei, in an effort to promotechildren’s rights and to encourage related ideas, cohosted “Polish Children’sRights Exhibition.” The event ran from May 28 to June 16 at NCL’s exhibitionhall on the first floor. The opening ceremony was specifically scheduled forJune 1, which was also International Children’s Day.
Director General of the Polish Office inTaipei Maciej Gaca stated in his remarks that Poland has long given attentionand focus to issues related to children’s rights. He was also happy to see thespreading of such concepts and values throughout the world. This exhibition wasplanned to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the United Nation’s Conventionon the Rights of the Child. Primarily on display are the concepts ofthe Father of Children’s Rights in Poland, JanuszKorczak, contributions during his life for children, and achievements in Polandin promoting children’s rights.
NationalCentral Library’s Director-general Tseng Shu-hsienstated that each year National Central Library works with various countryoffices in Taiwan to host a variety of exhibitions, lectures, and other events.Hosting theseevents at NCL and making use of its vast resources and holdings, it hopes thatthe public can come to better understand the culture and customs of othercountries throughout the world. The opening ceremony for this exhibition wasspecifically scheduled on International Children’s Day, which is alsoChildren’s Day in Poland. This was a unique present to the children on thisspecial day. The aim was to encourage attendees to take children’s rights andrelated issues seriously.
Theopening ceremony included a book exhibition on issues related to children’srights, as well as other amazing events, such as oral readings of children’sclassics from Poland, traditional Polish dances, and games. In addition,National Central Library made special arrangements for NCL tour robots to comeand interact with children of all ages. All of this brought a lot of fun andenjoyment to the opening ceremony and provided attendees with a deeperunderstanding of children’s rights and wonderfully happy weekend!