National Central Library collaborated with the following 18 schools on the "Collaborative Digitization of Material Resources on the 100 Years of Education & Co-creating and Sharing of the Taiwan Memory Database Project": Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School, National Hu-Wei Senior High School, Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School, Tainan First Senior High School, National Tainan Second Senior High School, National Tainan Girls' Senior High School, Taichung Municipal Taichung Girls' Senior High School, Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School, National Pingtung Senior High School, National Pingtung Girls’ Senior High School, National Hsinchu Senior High School, National Keelung Girls’ Senior High School, Taipei Municipal Chenggong High School, National Tainan Commercial Vocational Senior High School, National Hualien Girls' Senior High School, National Chia-Yi Girls' Senior High School, National Changhua Girls' Senior High School, and National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High School. A MOU signing ceremony and appreciation meeting was held on January 14, 2020 at National Central Library.
At the beginning of the event, the five schools that had collaborated on the project put on display digitized versions of old books they had in their collections that were published before 1949. In addition, NCL Director-General Shu-hsien Tseng and K-12 Education Administration Director-General Peng Fu-yuan both spoke; Director-General Tseng expressed her thanks for the schools that joined in the collaborative effort. She also mentioned that NCL had acquired and archived a very sizable corpus of historical materials in Taiwan, including Taiwan postcards from the Japanese occupation, old pictures from around the island, old books, gazetteers, old contracts, genealogies, stele rubbings, and more. To properly preserve the memory of Taiwan history, and in conjunction with the development of digitization technology, NCL has created the Taiwan Memory database and the Taiwan e-Book database. Through these databases, materials on Taiwan’s last 100 years of history can be well preserved. The saying “It takes 10 years for trees to mature, and 100 years to education people” implies that education is a hundred-year plan of a nation and that talented people are the basis of a country. In Taiwan, there are more than 80 schools that are over 100 years old. Each of these schools has valuable historical data and materials on education which faithfully record the development and achievements of 100 Years of Education. Because of this, National Central Library desires to work with these schools, especially in terms of the history of education in Taiwan and memories of school life, to acquire as many books, school pictures, and Japanese-occupation yearbooks as possible from before 1949. Then create a database that includes both actual and virtual resources, providing an even wider use online, and thus becoming a knowledge map to understanding both ancient and modern Taiwan.
Director-General Peng expressed thanks to NCL and each high school that helped with the digitization. Through the model of creating and sharing together, these precious resources related to the history of education can be preserved in NCL’s database system. In the future, both persons in education and the general public can browse these materials in the database. It will be the same as traveling through a time tunnel and viewing the development of education in Taiwan. What an amazing thing! It is hoped that in the future, more materials regarding the 100 Years of Education can be added to the corpus.
As for the archived materials that were collaboratively digitized, NCL will provide each school the option to donate the materials or to deposit them with NCL. Either way, they can be well preserved in NCL’s Southern Branch in the National Union Archive Center. Subsequently, a retrieval service will be provided and furthermore collaboration can be done with NCL to use these digitized resources in curating and teaching. During the event, Dr. Ching-ju Cheng from the Knowledge Services division spoke with attendees regarding the following databases related to this collaborative project: the Taiwan Memory, Taiwan e-Book, and Contemporary Celebrities’ Manuscripts digital archive databases.
This collaborative project between NCL and high schools with more than 100 years of history is a beginning effort to preserve historical educational materials. The project will continue to expand to include elementary schools with more than 100 years of history and actively acquire through collaboration with various schools their old books, old pictures, and yearbooks to digitize. This way, even more valuable materials can be preserved and disseminated along with the library’s current holdings.