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  • 2024-09-04
Linking Thinking-Linking Publishing 50th Anniversary Forum
Linking Thinking-Linking Publishing 50th Anniversary Forum

NCL and Linking Publishing Company jointly held a forum entitled, “Linking Thinking-Linking Publishing 50th Anniversary Forum” on the afternoon of May 26th, 2024 in NCL’s 3rd floor International Conference Hall. 

Half a century has passed since Linking Publishing’s founding and for their 50th anniversary, the publishing house carefully planned a forum of 10 short lectures for their readers around the theme of “Linking Thinking.” The forum invited 10 prominent and influential Linking Publishing authors to give speeches on 10 different subtopics, bringing authors and readers together and creating links between our lives and ideas, the past and the present, Taiwan and the world.

Linking Publisher Linden Lin provided introductions at the start of the forum. The morning session included Academician Cheng-sheng Tu’s speech entitled, “How to Understand China,” Professor Paelabang Danapan’s speech entitled “Literature as a Form of National Defense,” Sechin Y. S. Chien’s speech entitled, “Do Animals Deserve Our Serious Consideration?" and  Ming-hui Peng’s speech entitled, “Knowledge and Information.” The afternoon session included Dr. Stephan Thome’s speech entitled, “Across Cultures-Life and Literature,” Associate Professor Anthony H. Yeh’s speech entitled, “What is Justice?,” Retired Admiral Hsi-ming Lee’s speech entitled “How to Face War,” music critic Yuan-pu Jiao’s speech entitled, “Literature within Music, Music within Literature,” novelist and poet Cai Sufen gave a speech entitled, “Oceans and Forests, Novels and Poems,” and Professor Jong Shinn Wu gave a speech entitled, “Space, Technology, and the Future of Humanity.” 

The forum came to a close after these ten prominent speakers shared their rich and brilliant talks. The aim of the forum was to link together the perspectives of experts from different fields to bring new ideas and inspiration to Linking Publishing’s readers, so that within those ideas they can learn about the past, understand the present, and take measure of the future. Through reading, they can search, question, and debate ideas; in the act of exploring, they can participate in community and find personal peace and stability.

Last Update Time:2024-09-04
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