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  • 2013-10-21
The National Central Library iTaiwan Free Wireless Internet Service obtained the “Excellent Performance Award”
The National Central Library iTaiwan Free Wireless Internet Service obtained the “Excellent Performance Award”

iTaiwan wireless internet service is an innovative government measure set up for the convenient use of her citizens. Establishing “hotspots” all over Taiwan helps to establish more balanced rural and urban development enabling everyone to experience wireless internet access and facilitate the sharing of services. 

From the 12th of September to the 13th of October, 2013, Research, Development and Evaluation Commission of Executive Yuan organized a campaign сalled “Share the iTaiwan Experience for Prizes”. This not only increased the number and frequency of internet users of iTaiwan to more than 30 millions, it also increased the favorable visibility of the various government organizations which improved their respective service quality.

On the 21st of October (Monday), in the afternoon, an awarding ceremony took place at the Mayor’s official residence art salon in recognition of the various agencies and institutions’ collaborative efforts to continuously promote the quality of service. Awards were given to organizations with outstanding performance, with the most number of users, having excellent quality service as well as those who assisted extensively government agencies to widely distribute the iTaiwan hotspots. 

To offer readers an easy free wireless internet access, the NCL equipped all reading rooms with iTaiwan wireless internet access. The present “Excellent Performance Award” refers to online service until September 2013 since its establishment. It sums up the top ten names of the institutions that established the “hotspots”.

Last Update Time:2015-11-17