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  • 2019-03-04
National Library of Australia’s new Director of the Board, the Honourable Dr. Brett Mason, Visits the NCL
National Library of Australia’s new Director of the Board, the Honourable Dr. Brett Mason, Visits the NCL

October 23, 2018, National Library of Australia’s new Director of the Board, the Honourable Dr. Brett Mason, came to the NCL to visit Director-General Tseng. Dr. Mason was the former Australian ambassador to Holland. The primary purpose of the visit was to exchange ideas on the role of libraries in cultural transmission and reading promotion. The NCL also arranged for a 20-minute presentation in which it shared the Library’s experience interacting with different social groups, as well as how to use technology to get the public more connected with library holdings. After the meeting, a tour was given of NCL’s facilities and services. Dr. Mason was quite impressed with the results of NCL’s efforts to digitize ancient manuscripts.

Last Update Time:2019-03-04