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  • 2019-03-04
Mr. Khaliun Panidjunai from the Ulaanbaatar Trade and Economic Representative Office Visits NCL Director-General Tseng
Mr. Khaliun Panidjunai from the Ulaanbaatar Trade and Economic Representative Office Visits NCL Director-General Tseng

On November 29, 2018, Mr. Khaliun Panidjunai from the Ulaanbaatar Trade and Economic Representative Office came to visit Director-General Tseng and discuss issues related to NCL and the National Library of Mongolia cohosting an exhibition. Mongolia hopes that the NCL can put on an exhibition at the National Library of Mongolia sometime in 2019. The plan is to display replicas of ancient Mongolian works in NCL’s collection. Director-General Tseng and Representative Khaliun Panidjunai both anticipate opportunities in the future for the two institutions to collaborate. In addition, both hope to set up Taiwan Resource Centers for Chinese Studies in universities in Mongolia, which will help expand the reach of these resource centers.

Last Update Time:2019-03-04