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  • 2010-11-23
2010.08.27. An 18-person mainland Chinese delegation attending the 8th Cross-strait Symposium on Children's, Elementary School, and Junior High School Libraries held by the Library Association of the Republic of China (LAC), visits the NCL, accompanied by LAC Secretary General Peng Wei.
2010.08.27. An 18-person mainland Chinese delegation attending the 8th Cross-strait Symposium on Children's, Elementary School, and Junior High School Libraries held by the Library Association of the Republic of China (LAC), visits the NCL, accompanied by LAC Secretary General Peng Wei.

The mainland delegation with delegation head Deputy Director Yang Liu (back row, fifth from left), LAC Secretary General Peng Wei (front row, sixth from right) and NCL Deputy Director-general Wu Ying-mei (front row, sixth from left), who received the guests.

Last Update Time:2010-11-23