When searching NCL Online Catalog, have found needed materials but the bibliographic record showed that it is in the closed stacks, if the searcher has applied an NCL Library Card before, then it is possible to do online retrieval request either from inside or outside the Library. However, the requested item will be retained in the Circulation Desk only for the day it is requested. Please be aware of allowed retrieval request time for the following two situations:
(1) For books kept in “Closed Stacks” (Chinese indicated as [典藏書庫],[法律中文書庫],[參庫中文],[參庫西文]),online retrieval request could be done from 00:00 until 30 minutes before the associated reading area is closed for the day. Average waiting time for the requested item is 20 minutes.
(2) For books kept in “Remote Repository”, the library staff would take trips to the Remote Repository for only 7 times a day; leaving time for the Remote Repository is: 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 16:00. Waiting time is varied from 50 minutes (if request is done right before the staff left for the Remote Repository) to 1hour and 50 minutes (if request is done right after the staff has just left, then, has to wait until next trip).
A user can place 5 retrieval request for above situations. After he/ she have taken the requested items, it is possible to request for the next 5 books for each holding situation.
If the needed books are on the open shelves, users can help themselves to get the books.