Rules for Patron Computer Use at National Central Library
As ratified in the 8th Meeting of Library Operations of 2015 on October 8
1. The National Central Library provides computer equipment for patrons to search for books, academic resources, and information on the Internet. Patrons are also allowed to bring their own portable computers. To ensure a fair and secure environment, the rules regarding computer use are outlined as follows.
2. Patrons may use the Library's computers and peripherals free of charge; however, consumables, such as paper for printing and copying, must be paid for as used.
3. When using computer equipment that requires registration, patrons must use their own Library Card to register. The allotted usage time varies depending on the location of the computer. Computers without registration requirements are available for free use. Priority seating should be reserved for senior citizens or users with disabilities.
4. Use of library computers requires adherence to the following guidelines:
a) Computer use must remain quiet and comply with all access protocols and rules.
b) If patrons encounter any issues with computer hardware or software, they should notify a member of the library staff. Patrons should not attempt repairs themselves, as they may be held liable for any resulting damage.
5. Patrons using Library computers must adhere to the principles of information ethics. The following behaviors are strictly prohibited:
a) Damaging computers, internet connections, peripherals, or servers, as well as altering computer settings.
b) Installing or disseminating malware
c) Connecting non-Library hardware to Library computers.
d) Playing online games, engaging in gambling, chatting, making online connections, spreading rumors, or similar activities.
e) Viewing pornography or accessing websites, files, or content that are detrimental to public order or moral standards.
f) Engaging in any online business activities.
g) Bothering other patrons
h) Engaging in any activities or behaviors that could jeopardize internet safety or disrupt the library’s environment and atmosphere.
When any violation of these rules occurs, library staff may request the patron’s NCL Library Card and record the infraction in the patron’s record. User privileges will be suspended for three months after a second infraction.
6. Patrons may bring their own portable devices but are responsible for providing any necessary power sources. The care and safety of personal devices are the patron’s sole responsibility.
7. Patrons using their own devices should turn off the volume and use the keyboard or touch-sensitive screens gently to avoid disturbing others and ensure a conducive reading environment.
8. These rules have been effective since October 8, 2015, following approval at the Library Operations Meeting.