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  • 2013-02-06
Report on National Central Library’s Participation in 21st Taipei International Book Exhibition Activities

The 21st Taipei International Book Exhibition concluded on February 4, 2013. National Central Library planned a combination of virtual and tangible exhibition content, organized a “library forum,” shared information about NCL services at the Yellow Salon, and attended the e-themed hall to promote NCL’s digital resources. National Central Library’s booth exhibited original NCL publications and replications of ancient books—leaving visitors with a different feeling than most booths. Also on display were original works of authors, such as manuscripts, poems, paintings, and drawings. In addition to more historical items, NCL also showed is savvy of things modern by displaying new digital age services for readers and publishers. Many visitors downloaded the app for the Digital Audio Visual Archive System after visiting NCL’s stall to see just how replete and diversified NCL’s digital holdings are. NLC hosted an activity in the Yellow Salon activity area called “A look back is a look forward, knowing the future from viewing the past: NCL wants your answer.” This activity used catchy riddles to pique the interest of visitors and help them understand more about NCL’s services. The Library Forum was centered on three main topics: e-publication access and pricing, books purchasing mechanism, and the feasibility of public lending rights in Taiwan. Representatives from libraries, universities, publishers, and government agencies discussed historical trends, the current situation of publishing and purchasing, legal restrictions and library operation considerations. These activities that NCL participated in were varied, bringing together the traditional and the modern, static displays and dynamic discussions with proactive marketing—reflecting how NCL is progressing with the times and is proactively seeking ways to improve. Now 80 years after its establishment it is still looking forward to a brand new future.

Last Update Time:2013-02-23
