Dr. Fawz Abdulla, president of Lebanon Library Association, Dr. Ismail Abdullahi, ALA Education Committee chairman, Dr. Dan Dorner, IFLA Asia and Oceania Department Chairman were accompanied by Dr. Lin Zhifeng, Professor of Department of Information and Communications of Shih Hsin University, to visit NCL. They were very interested in the Library Science Education, in the management and development of the current and future situations of the library world in Taiwan as well as its hopes and vision. Lively discussions and exchanges focused on the future of the Asia-Pacific regional cooperation and global cooperation. From left: Dr. Fawz Abdulla, President of the Lebanon Library Association Dr. Dan Dorner, IFLA Asia and Oceania Department Chairman, Director-general Tseng Shu-hsien, Professor Lin Zhifeng, Dr. Ismail Abdullahi, ALA Education Committee chairman and IFLA Chairman of Library and Information Education in developing countries