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  • 2010-08-25
2010.07.22: A 10-member delegation of mainland university law school library professionals visits the NCL . The group was led by Chen Zhihong (left 5), head of the School of Law Library at Peking University and was received by NCL Deputy Director-general Wu Ying-mei (left 6). The two sides exchanged views on government information and legal document archives and services.
2010.07.22: A 10-member delegation of mainland university law school library professionals visits the NCL . The group was led by Chen Zhihong (left 5), head of the School of Law Library at Peking University and was received by NCL Deputy Director-general Wu Ying-mei (left 6). The two sides exchanged views on government information and legal document archives and services.

Last Update Time:2010-08-25