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  • 2013-12-12
2013.12.12 Vice president of Shandong University Chen Yan, Professor Zheng Jiewen, and Fang PengCheng, editor-in-chief of Taiwan Commercial Press visited the NCL
2013.12.12 Vice president of Shandong University  Chen Yan, Professor Zheng Jiewen, and Fang PengCheng, editor-in-chief of Taiwan Commercial Press visited the NCL

Chen Yan, vice president of Shandong University in China, Professor Zheng Jiewen, and Fang PengCheng, editor-in-chief of Taiwan Commercial Press visited the NCL to discuss the digitization of ancient books and other topics. They visited the Rare Book Room and the exhibition on “Professor Ye JiaYing Manuscripts Works and Photos”

Last Update Time:2014-01-28