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NCL Newsletter

The "National Central Library Newsletter,
" a quarterly publication, was first launched in April 1969. Each issue reports on the National Central Library's (NCL) achievements in international collaboration, activities and exhibitions, new book releases, updates on the Center for Chinese Studies, and developments of Taiwan public libraries. Since its launch in 2000, the NCL Newsletter has been published in both print and digital formats, serving as a reference for both international cooperative partners and domestic libraries. The full-text PDF of each issue is available on the NCL website for public access.

We sincerely appreciate the long-term support of our readers. Starting in 2026, in order to provide a more efficient dissemination channel and to align with the global sustainable development goals, NCL Newsletter will be in transition to an entirely digital format, replacing the previous printed edition.

Date of Publication Vol/No
2000.11 Vol. 32 No. 3
2000.08 Vol. 32 No. 2
2000.05 Vol. 32 No. 1
2000.02 Vol. 31 No. 4
94 records